How journalists smuggled out the iconic Tiananmen Square photo

In a summary of the verdict distributed to media, the court said the election participants had declared they would use their legislative power to veto the budgets.

China has bought up nearly 347,000 acres, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture

BYD is set to launch its budget-friendly electric vehicle in Europe, posing a significant challenge to local automakers.

Lai, 64, takes over from Tsai Ing-wen, who led Taiwan through eight years of economic and social development despite the COVID-19 pandemic and China’s escalating military threats. Beijing views Taiwan as a renegade province and has been upping its threats to annex it by force if necessary.

Xi Jinping's recent European tour was an unprecedented spectacle in international affairs: an Asian leader was arriving as representative of a great power to lesser nations of an anxious continent.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin pledged to deepen their strategic partnership in Beijing on Thursday, in a stark show of their growing alignment as Moscow’s troops advance in Ukraine.

“The fact that IPAC as 'witnesses' or 'accomplices' to an alleged crime have never been approached by the Hong Kong authorities is revelatory of the degree to which the integrity of this trial is in question," said Luke De Pulford, the executive director of the IPAC.

Being in detention was not new to Yan. He had already spent 19 months in a Chinese prison for his part in 1989’s Tiananmen Square protests. Students had called for greater democracy and freedom, but the Communist Party sent in tanks to crush them. At the end of June 1989, the Chinese government said that 200 civilians and several dozen security personnel had died. Other estimates have ranged from hundreds to many thousands. On his release, Yan had made his way to southern China where, in scenes that could have been taken from a spy film, he was sent from one public phone booth to another, to be put in touch with the people who could get him out.