July 27, 2024



WEBINAR | Are You Investing In America’s Destruction?

02 December 2021
Committee on Present Danger China

Americans should be mad as hell at Wall Street and their fund managers who are misleading us to invest in high-risk CCP companies, some of whom are committing human rights atrocities, have links to the Chinese military, and many are sanctioned by the USG. Watch this program to learn why, and what you can do to invest in freedom instead.


Frank Gaffney*, Vice Chairman, CPDC, Moderator

Brian Kennedy*, Chairman, CPDC, Author, Communist China’s War Inside America

The CCP Threat: People’s War Against America
Gordon Chang, Author, The Coming Collapse of China

The CCP’s Unrestricted Warfare
Dr. Bradley Thayer*, Author, How China Sees the World: Han Centrism and the Balance of Power in International Politics

The CCP Virus
Dr. Stephen Hatfill, former Clinical Researcher, U.S. Army Military Research Institute of Infectious Diseases

The CCP’s War Against Humanity
Reggie Littlejohn*, President, Women’s Rights Without Frontiers

The CCP’s Vast Military Build-up: The Kinetic Option
Richard Fisher, Senior Fellow, International Assessment and Strategy Center

Who is Underwriting the CCP Threat? You Are
Roger Robinson, Chairman, Prague Security Studies Institute

The CCP’s New Financing Scheme: Red Cryptocurrency
Kyle Bass*, Chief Investment Advisors, Hayman Capital (via video)

What Are They Thinking as Wall Street’s Masters of the Universe Sell Us Out?
Bill Walton*, former Chairman, Allied Capital Corporation

President Trump’s Effort to Counter the CCP’s Economic Warfare – and How It Was Undermined by a Key Subordinate
Dr. Peter Navarro

Changing Course on Underwriting the CCP Threat
Commissioner Derek Scissors, U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (via video)

Naming Names: BlackRock Bets on China
BlackRockLovesChina.com video

How to Invest Patriotically, Instead of in Our Enemy
Kevin Freeman*, National Security Investment Consultants Institute

Protecting Against the CCP Weaponing Foreign and U.S. Investments
Col. John Mills*, U.S. Army (Ret.)

Invest in Freedom
Ryan Morfin, Managing Director, Morfin Capital Group

Disengage from China: The Way Forward
Rep. Chris Stewart, Member, House Intelligence and Appropriations Committees and House China Task Force (via video)


About Author

Committee on the Present Danger China

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