July 27, 2024

Over 500 U.S. Scientists Under Investigation for Being Compromised by China

Over 500 U.S. Scientists Under Investigation for Being Compromised by China

Over 500 U.S. Scientists Under Investigation for Being Compromised by China

23 April 2021

More than 500 U.S. scientists are under investigation for being compromised by China and other foreign countries, according to a recent hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.

The hearing was focused on protecting the U.S.’s biomedical research from foreign entities such as China. While delivering opening remarks, Senator Patty Murray, chair of the committee, spoke about a recent report from the National Institutes of Health and conflicts of interests among 507 NIH grant recipients.

“It’s important that researchers with foreign affiliations and potential conflicts of interest—for example, participation in foreign talent programs or commitments to file patents in, or move laboratories to, foreign nations—fully disclose those issues when applying for federal grants,” Murray said.


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