July 27, 2024

Taiwan Could Be America’s ‘Maritime Israel,’ Says Taipei Defense Guru

Taiwan Could Be America’s ‘Maritime Israel,’ Says Taipei Defense Guru

Taiwan Could Be America’s ‘Maritime Israel,’ Says Taipei Defense Guru

John Feng
19 January 2021

Taiwan, a self-governing democracy claimed by Beijing, has existed for decades on the front lines of the once theoretical “China threat”—now very much a reality following a recent “awakening” by America’s political elite, said senior analyst Su Tzu-yun.

A national security expert, Su is director of the Institute for National Defense and Security Research in Taipei. INDSR was founded with funding support from President Tsai Ing-wen’s government and is the country’s first defense think tank.

Washington’s prescient Beijing watchers, including recent President-elect Joe Biden appointee Kurt Campbell, were already wary of the Chinese Communist Party’s expansionist ambitions in the 1990s, Su said. It was a time when, despite incidents like 1989’s Tiananmen Square Massacre, the United States and its allies were still idealizing future relations with China, which they hoped—maybe even expected—would evolve into a more liberal state.


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