Rag Doll, the Award-winning Stop-Motion Animation
Directed by: Leon Lee
Amidst a deadly persecution in China, a determined orphan tries to bring her mother back to life through the power of art.
Although Yingying’s mother was killed in a modern day persecution and the little girl is alone on the streets of Northern China, an enchanted art form could reunite them. Enter a child’s world, where hope and imagination are more powerful than police batons or state-sponsored violence, where noble determination conquers all.
Official Selection, LA Shorts International Film Festival 2020
Official Selection, HollyShorts Film Festival 2020
2020 Golden Sheaf Awards Nominee, Yorkton Film Festival 2020
Official Selection, Not Short on Talent at Cannes 2020
Official Selection, Flickers’ Rhode Island International Film Festival 2020
Official Selection, Foyle Film Festival 2020
Official Selection, Phoenix Film Festival 2020
Official Selection, Columbus International Film & Animation Festival 2020