July 27, 2024

US congressmen introduce bill to end ‘one-China’ policy, normalize ties with Taiwan

US congressmen introduce bill to end ‘one-China’ policy, normalize ties with Taiwan

US congressmen introduce bill to end ‘one-China’ policy, normalize ties with Taiwan

By Keoni Everington
02 March 2021

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — American congressmen Tom Tiffany (R-WI) and Scott Perry (R-PA) on Monday (March 1) announced that they had introduced a bill calling on the U.S. to put an end to the “one-China” policy, resume formal relations with Taiwan, and begin negotiations on a U.S.-Taiwan free trade agreement.

In a press release posted Monday, Tiffany said that U.S. presidents over the past four decades have “repeated Beijing’s bogus lie that Taiwan is part of Communist China — despite the objective reality that it is not.” He declared that the time had come to “do away with this outdated policy.”

For his part, Perry pointed out that the U.S. is an independent country that “proudly collaborates” with Taiwan on a wide range of issues. He asserted that it is “long past time” for the U.S. to exercise its right as a sovereign nation to “state what the world knows to be true: Taiwan is an independent country for over 70 years.”


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