July 27, 2024

What is India’s Sphere of Influence to Checkmate China?

What is India’s Sphere of Influence to Checkmate China?

What is India’s Sphere of Influence to Checkmate China?

New Delhi, Delhi, India
28 April 2021

Every country is territorial about its sphere, with Russia considering eastern Europe as its backyard and the US thinking the same of Central America. In this report, we will look at India’s sphere of influence and how far does it extend. We will also see what are India’s plans to consolidate its presence? Let’s begin with the vast Indian Ocean to the south. Indians have sailed these waters for hundreds of years, but of late, it has become a strategic playground because of China. Beijing wants to box India in with the ‘String of Pearls’ initiative, which comprises strategic ports that China controls.

India has responded in kind, as it is developing a military base in the south-western Indian Ocean. There is North Agalega, an island controlled by Mauritius, India’s long-standing ally. This is where India is building its base. It might seem like the middle of nowhere, but look around and it will make perfect sense.


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